Dear Friends,

Over the past week, I've spoken with many of you about Coaching.  Some of you are interested in hiring a Coach.  Some of you would like to become Coaches yourselves.  I've put together this edition of the newsletter to explain some of the basics of Coaching.  If you have any questions after reading it, please don't hesitate to call me at 718-852-0790.

What is Coaching?

Coaching (also known as Life Coaching) is quickly becoming one of the leading tools that successful people use to be their best.  Through weekly Coaching sessions (usually done over the phone), clients identify what is most important to them and align their thoughts, words, and actions, accordingly.  Your Coach works with you to identify what you want personally and professionally, and supports you in achieving that life. 

Coaching has received quite a bit of media attention in the past year.  In addition to the piece on Fox last week, the November issue of Shape Magazine and a recent edition of the New York Post both featured wonderful articles on Coaching.  In fact, the emerging profession of Coaching has been covered on the NBC Nightly News and CBS This Morning. It has also been featured in Newsweek, The New York Times, USA Today, and hundreds of other major media outlets. Coaching has received this positive attention because of the success of the clients who use a Coach.  Here is a brief sample of what the media has said about Coaching:

"What having a personal trainer is to your body, having a Coach can be to your mind." -- Seattle Post-Intelligencer

"A Coach can be the answer when people need a push in part of their lives or guidance in setting personal or professional goals." -- Dallas Morning News

"[Coaches] -- they're part therapist, part consultant -- and they sure know how to succeed in business." -- Newsweek

"[Your Coach] will guide you to a fuller life or a slimmer figure. Whatever you want. Your weakness is his challenge." -- USA Today

"...want to get even further ahead?...What you need is a Coach, your own personal motivator. They're not just for top-ranked tennis players any more." -- Miami Herald


Who hires a Coach?

Entrepreneurs, business owners, professionals, and people in transition are some of the people who typically work with a Coach.

Coaches in training also hire Mentor Coaches to help flatten the learning curve, and get a feel for what the Coaching relationship should look like.

Regardless of their professional endeavor or place in life, clients have one thing in common:  they are all successful, resourceful and intelligent individuals who want to get even more out of their lives.

Your Coach Will: 

·        Encourage you to set goals that you truly want

·        Ask you to do more than you may have done on your own

·        Help you focus better in order to produce results more quickly

·        Provide you with the tools, support, and structure to accomplish more

 Clients use a Coach for any and all of the following reasons: 

·        To make substantial changes, whether it be a personal situation, at work or just their attitude

·        To help reduce stress and simplify their lives.

·        To turn a challenging business situation around in the shortest possible time.

·        To achieve more satisfaction in their job, whether they’re looking for a new career, or seeking ways to make their current one more enjoyable

·        To prioritize, identifying personal and business goals based on one's values, and overcoming the obstacles to achieve them.

Coaching is for those individuals who see the value in having a supportive partner to challenge them to stay focused, resulting in increased productivity and reduced stress.

If you feel you could benefit from Coaching, or would just like more information, please don’t hesitate to give me a call.  I can be reached at 718-852-0790.  I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have. 

Next week:  Mentor Coaching

Warmest regards,


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